【同义词辨析】 2020-01-20 选择choice-election
choice: suggests the opportunity or privilege to choose freely from a number of alternatives: total freedom of ~ in the matter. 自释
option: implies a specifically given power to choose among mutually exclusive items: the ~ of paying now or later.
alternative: implies a necessity to choose one and reject another possibility: the ~ is peace with dishonor or war.
preference: suggests personal bias and predilection as a basis of choice: stated a ~ for red-haired women. (predilection强烈喜好implies a strong liking derived from temperament or experience强烈喜欢,由于性格经历,如 teenagers with a predilection for gory horror movies青少年喜好血腥恐怖电影,如his predilection for fast cars and fast horses他很喜好跑车和骏马)
selection: implies a wide range of choice and often the need of thought or discrimination in choosing: a store offering a wide ~ of furniture. (discrimination鉴别力stresses the power to distinguish and select what is true or appropriate or excellent指可以区分选择出真实合适优秀的,如acquired discrimination by looking at a lot of art博览艺术品,培养鉴别力,如he showed great discrimination in his choice of friends他在择友方面颇具慧眼) 这里choice和furniture都不可数
election: implies a formal choosing, typically for an explicit role, duty, or function: the careful ~ of college courses. 如the election of government officials政府官员选举,如general election普选大选. (role职位职能角色refers to a position or function,如the role of the teacher in the classroom教师在课堂上的职能,如role model楷模行为榜样)
choice选择: 表示有机会权利,从选项中自由选择,option选项: 指从互斥的选项中选择其一,alternative选择: 表示二选一,preference偏好: 表示根据个人偏好喜好选择,selection选择: 指选项范围广,需要思考辨别,election选举: 指正式选择承担职位职能
记忆方法: 1) 首字母COAPSE<==选择错了,应是R corpse人的尸体 "选"的繁体字"選", 本意是"两个人并行前进"即"随行",引申为"挑出随行的人";"择"的繁体字是"擇",罒表示渔网,"幸"表示快乐喜欢,和手连用,表示"用手从一罗网的收获物中挑选",意思和"选"相同
2) 选择的意思是挑出想要的mean the act or opportunity of choosing or the thing chosen. 本组基础词是choose,每个词的解释中都用到了choose或choice